Know What’s Needed & What’s Not for Web Site Information

Things in business have certainly moved on in recent years.   Business marketing and promotion are handled in completely different ways.  This now being the digital age – very, having a company website is absolutely critical and just about the first thing a newbie entrepreneur will spend their precious hours dealing with.   Sometimes though the legal issues are overlooked.  There are certain requirements of compliance that have to be addressed to meet UK laws.  So many that it can feel overwhelming.  That’s why engaging the services of an adviser on business information matters is likely to be a very good investment.   Let’s look at what must be included on a UK website.  Firstly – although obvious to most people, it is not always to the newbie:  Business name and any ‘trading as’ reference should be displayed in a prominent manner.  The physical address from where the business operates from, or a separate registered office address, if this is the case.  Another important item is the actual email address or some kind of contact form on which potential enquirers, and critically, clients, can get in touch and be sure of getting a reply.

There is also the matter of personal data.  Very tight rules surround this issue – there must be a cookie policy explanation with an option out choice about how your company web site gathers and handles information you garner on your web site.   This is clearly explained in the PECR policy found on the government website.  It is vital for compliance reasons to show absolute transparency.