Many thousands of young folk go through school with no thought to what they want to do as a career or how they intend to work to bring in money to live. It can be very confusing for a lot of them, especially as these days there are so many distractions on social media – the new ‘bogey man’ of society. They see peers and acquaintances apparently living the life, without much effort – or so it seems. This can influence many into assuming they too can get everything they dream of for a couple of hours posting things on SM. This is unrealistic of course and a fulfilling career that can keep someone in a happy, content and satisfactory lifestyle takes planning and a lot of training to get to the top of the tree and be the best you can be. Every formal career has some sort of learning requirement, be that a law, medical or nursing degree for example. These all require top up sessions and refreshers to keep the mind alert. Many online educators are available and it requires a brief but sound investigation of whats on offer compared to what a learner would need in their particular case.